Welcome Home
I cannot wait to introduce you to your
Hair Extension Experience here at the BOHO bar.

Whether you're seeking the confidence-boost of fuller hair or looking to add several inches of length, any of my methods of installation are the safest and most natural-looking extensions.
Before I Tell You All About These Life-Changing Extensions, Let's Talk About Who Extensions Are Really For...
Whether you are...
The woman whose hair has thinned over the years and looking to add volume and fullness back to their hair
The woman whose hair doesn't grow past a certain length or has experienced breakage and looking to add some length and volume
The woman who is ready for a total transformation and wants hair that tucks into her pants #mermaidlife
You're in the right place and I'm going to show you exactly how hair extensions can give you the ultimate shift in your self-confidence without all of the high-maintenance stereotypes that come with extensions.


The first thing you'll want to do is fill out my pre-consultation form. This will give me all the information on what your struggles are with your current hair and what your ultimate hair goals are. Once approved, we will book a time for an in person consultation to finalize your customized experience.
As a first time extension guest, you'll receive a little extra time in my chair to ensure we have a thorough consultation, a chance to review aftercare, and the most seamless blend between your hair and the extensions so no one ever knows you're wearing extensions.
All appointments include a custom picked blend of extensions, the extension installation, a precision blended cut, and style. Lunch will be included (on me) if your appointment lasts longer than five hours. I've got plenty of hot and cold beverages and snacks available for you, too!
This is where we will go over all the little details that will elevate your installation to the next level. Like your lifestyle, style routine and budget. I want to make sure that you have a variety of options so you feel comfortable with the service you are receiving.
We are located at 9010 N. Allen Rd. Suite A Peoria, IL 61615. You will want to park between Blue Margaritas + Illinois Cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the ideal candidate for extensions: Everyone is a potential candidate. It all depends on what their desired look is. The one thing that I think is important for blending, is the top layer of your hair to be at least chin length or longer. Not to say that means you can’t get them, but it will require a higher level of styling experience.
How often should you wash your hair: I recommend washing 1-3 times per week using sulfate-free products. It’s important to remove build up that occurs from natural oil production + styling products. To maintain a healthy scalp, make sure that your hair is fully dry throughout the extensions before going to sleep.
Do extensions cause breakage, balding or thinning: As long as the extensions are installed properly, maintained + removed properly there is no damage! It’s my job to understand the state of your natural hair + determine how + which method is best for you. But it is your job to take care of them while you’re not in my chair. So yes, it can, but I give you guidance + education to ensure those things don’t happen.
Can I bring my own hair for you to install: Unfortunately, no. I cannot guarantee the quality or know the true source of the extensions unless they are directly purchased through me.
What do I need to know about styling my extensions: You can wash, blow-dry, straighten or curl, just like your regular hair! All my extension guests receive a how-to care guide, but here’s some key tips: (1) Make sure you brush morning, night + before washing, so they don’t tangle. (2) Use salon products that are paraben + sulfate free, no to low alcohol content, and lightweight. (3) Keep the heat settings on your hot tools + dryers on med/low.
Can you see the extensions: I offer 4 types of extension methods that can all be seamless + undetectable. They’re all installed in a way that allows your natural hair to cover the wefts whether you style it up or down. It truly depends on the method used, the density of your hair, how you style your hair, as well as the length of your natural hair that makes them seamless.
Can you swim with them: Ocean water + Chlorine from swimming pools can potentially decrease the life span of your extensions. It can dry out the hair, leading to matting issues, as well as tint or strip the color of your extensions. If you still plan on getting your hair wet, I have steps in my hair care sheet that can help.